Saturday, March 2, 2013

Paducah, Kentucky!

Way back in January, I prepared a couple of entry forms for the American Quilter's Society annual quilt show in Paducah, Kentucky. I have never entered this show before so I thought I'd give it chance. According to the entry rules, notifications were going to be sent out the first week of March.

Yesterday in the mail, I received two large manila envelopes (which were actually white, not manila)  from the American Quilter's Society. I was quite pleased with the size of the envelopes as rejection letters usually come in your standard business size. These being large white manila envelopes got me to thinking that I wasn't going to be despised and rejected (subtle Handel reference) by a jury of my peers.

But you never know until you read the fine print!

 As you can see by the fine print, (Thank the good Lord above)  I have two quilts accepted to the American Quilter's Society annual quilt show in Paducah, Kentucky.

So first things first, I had to make myself a celebratory Martini. You'll noticed that one of the accepted quilts serves as a nice background!

Unfortunately, as of this writing , I have no plans to go to Paducah to enjoy the show myself so I will just have to interrogate the quilts upon their return.

Now for the accepted entries:

Composition in Black and White 


Twist and Turns

I hope some of you will have the chance to see the quilt show in Paducah.


  1. Congratulations! This is great news!

  2. Congrats Brian! You will rock the show...
