Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chocolate Love

Because quilting is such and aerobic activity, I have recently made the decision to go on a long term low-carb diet AGAIN! As a Type II diabetic, I have also decided to give up wheat altogether (life change) and I love bread slathered with a shitload of butter (so it's a difficult life change). 

My favorite coffee shop masquerades as a bakery or is it the other way around? Do you know how hard it is to walk in to Ceres Bakery  and just get a decaf? It is torture. Especially when the Sweet Potato Sticky Buns are sitting there in all their lovely nutty gooeyness and the Lemon Ricotta Crostata's are just waiting to be ordered because besides being delicious, it's just fun to say Lemon Ricotta Crostata! I won't even mention the Mixed- Berry Cheese Danish or the Better than a Blueberry Muffin or the Chocolate Croissants or the French Bread or the Current- Rosemary Levain...Sigh!

However, there is one thing I absolutely, positively won't give up, and that is CHOCOLATE! Susan and I were in the organic section of the grocery store looking over the chocolate selection when a lovely couple told us about the Almond and Sea Salt chocolate bar from Chocolove. We picked one up, opened it in the car on the way home from the store and have been in love with them ever since. AMAZING! If you haven't had one, stop what you are doing and go by one right now. Hurry. What are you waiting for? Go. You won't be sorry. One bar has three servings, or one really big serving depending on your mood or time of the month. They've been on sale lately so I've been stock piling them. Today I counted 11. 

I have made a resolution to have chocolate every day. Thank you Chocolove. I love you. (One serving only has 9 grams of carbohydrate)

What does this have to do with quilting? Absolutely nothing. I just wanted to tell you all about Chocolove Chocolate Bars and Ceres Bakery.

Wait a second!

Ceres Bakery displays work from local artists every month. I've had the privilege of displaying my art quilts there. Thanks Hannah.

There is the quilting connection!

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